Sunday, August 23, 2009

The US economy, health care, and power grabs

So many have written about the major debates in the US Legislative branch of the federal government and some folks are fed with hearing about it. We can't quiet down however because what happens in the next few months will have repercussions for generations to come.

Fact - the federal government passed a massive "stimulus package" to prod the economy at a cost of over $800 billion. After it failed to pass at a cost of $700 billion (estimated) the dealing started and many representatives were swung over when pork was added that benefited their constituency. Why is this important? It tells me that about 25% of the US Congress did -not- believe in the legislation but were willing to sell their votes. The record of voting can be checked at
So far the economy has fallen faster and further than predicted "if we do not pass this critical spending bill" (Barrack Obama - February 2009)
I am sorry to report that my elected representative to the House did not listen to the tens of thousands of calls to vote no and moved forward in support of one of the most reckless pieces if legislation in the history of this nation. He also sits in the camp of elected officials who is avoiding actually getting in front of his constituents during the August break.

Fact - the current bill in the US House of Representatives has so many places with language, I believe left ambiguous on purpose, to be argued, abused, or further refined to make government the final authority on all things healthcare. Find the bill here: Read a break down of the biggest problem sections here:

I do not trust a piece of legislation that takes days to map out (due to most of the bill being referenced changes to other legislation rather than being a simple stand alone bill)
From page 30 -
(1) IN GENERAL.—There is established a private-public advisory committee which shall be a
panel of medical and other experts to be known as the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to recommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced, and premium plans.

Could this mean that the government gets to pick what medical procedures are covered for you? It certainly seems more than possible to me. We've all seen the abuses of power on lesser issues, what's to stop abuses with so much money on the line?

I won't pretend to completely understand this section from page 239 but this single line scares me to death - it brings to mind one of the great lies "I am from the government and I am here to help you."

One couldn't make up language much more frightening. Sounds like they're setting up the framework for rationing services based upon what they establish as "rates of services per covered patients" (the language is mine but it's just a fancy way of saying "You only did 1 tonsillectomy last year with 950 patients so you can only do one per 950 patients next year. Nevermind that health problems do not care about statistics or that the bills language leaves too much room for the quota to be lowered if the Doctor doesn't do any of a particular procedure in a year - "No soup for you" extends from Seinfeld to your health care.

I've rambled enough - if you're still not decided read the list of questionable sections and read the language in the bill yourself, I don't think you'll be undecided much longer.

In closing - any veteran is a hero to me. This one is more so after watching his YouTube posting several times, see it for yourself -

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading your blog. Appreciated the link to David William Hedrick's clip enough to used it on my blog!
